My name is Rebecca, and I am a Christian, homeschooling grandmother of three grandsons, Rocky/12, RameIlo/10, and AJ/18, and one granddaughter, AurieIIe/5. I have four adult children, and I have been married to the love of my life and my best friend Johnnie for thirty-six years. I wrote Tickle Mites based on playtime with my grandchildren and by divine purpose from my Heavenly Father. Tickle Mites Adventures of RD A. R. Rocky, AJ, and Ramello's characters are inspired by my grandsons" Buddernut Adventure's character is inspired by my granddaughter. I have a very close bond with my grandchildren. I self-published two children's rap songs, Candy Swag and Jump Jump. My experience with self-publishing is the process I endured to birth my company Tickle Mites, LLC. It exists to help others by providing a wealth of information and resources at a lower budget than mainstream or so-called traditional companies. My company motivates and encourages writers or desire-to-be writers to get started and then turn everything over to me. I provide publishing services. I am grateful to dedicate everything I do to God and Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Savior. They are my Driving Forces in everything I am, claim to be, and all that I do.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him ”